Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

The PhD Jobs Bangor University Anniversary Research Scholarships

The PhD Jobs school is particularly interested in applications in the areas of research:
1. Policy Evaluation Research

PhD Jobs Social protection and health care policy and practice, evaluation of policies, professional performance and decision making in health care, historical sociology of health, medicine and welfare, careers and caregivers of patients, inequality and social exclusion, housing and homelessness.
2. Communities and Social Networks

PhD Jobs formation of social identities at local, national and international knowledge, commitment and activism of civil society, social change, patterns of life and later life, Wales, in a comparative perspective.
3. Society for Prevention of Crime and the Civic

Crime, conflict and social cohesion, political violence and terrorism, the public role in the criminal justice system. Transnational and trans-disciplinary research proposals are particularly welcome.
4. Minority languages ​​and cultures

Language Planning; Minority languages; Language, migration and belonging.

Queries prior to a formal application concerning a research project in any of these areas should be addressed to:
Professor Howard Davis
Telephone: 01248 382123
Email: h.h.davis at bangor.ac.uk

Bangor University Anniversary Research Bursaries
Each PhD bursary provides an annual allowance of £7,000. No additional allowances are payable. Bursary holders are required to pay fees. Bursary holders are not expected to teach or act as Research Assistants, but may apply to do so if vacancies occur.

Anniversary Scholarships Application Procedure

The PhD Jobs application deadline is 13 May 2011 and we expect to inform applicants of the outcome of their applications by June 2011.

To apply, please complete an on-line University Postgraduate Application Form available here.

To complete an application, you must include with the Postgraduate Application Form:

a statement of not more than 1000 words of how you could contribute to and develop the chosen research project. You should include reference to relevant previous experience, including both academic study and other experience.
Provide an outline literature review

* YOU MUST MAKE CLEAR that you are applying for a Bangor University Anniversary Scholarship by writing 'ANNIVERSARY SCHOLARSHIP' then THE PROJECT TITLE in answer to Question 3, under Check list Item 5 '(Are you applying for a Bangor University advertised Research Project or Studentship? If so, please state where you heard about the Research Project or Studentship AND write the full project title here)'

General Application Enquiries should be directed to:

Mrs Bethan Hamilton-Hine
College of Business, Social Sciences and Law
Bangor University
Tel: 01248 382644
E-mail: b.hamilton at bangor.ac.uk

Further Information

Application Deadline : 13 May 2011

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